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01.03.2025 17:20

Year 2024 was full of remarkable events! Have a look at our projects that were part of our mission to bring educational content to our members and to bring our members together.

01.03.2025 12:20

The Municipal Library is a wonderful space open not only for book readers, but also for holding various community meetings and activities. From January to May 2025 we will be visiting branches in different parts of the city and drawing in them. We will capture interesting architecture and life in the library.

13.02.2025 17:11

In this photo gallery you can stroll around Prague and see it through our eyes. 2025

31.01.2025 12:13

During the summer of 2024, we gave out 25 Leuchtturm 1917 sketchbooks to members of Urban Sketchers Prague. Our goal was to make at least one drawing a week to cultivate the habit of regular sketching. The sketchbooks became our summer companions.

23.12.2024 18:50

In this photo gallery you can stroll around Prague and see it through our eyes. 2022-24

12.05.2024 19:00

During the summer of 2023, two sketchbooks were exchanged between various members of Urban Sketchers Prague. Each person filled two or three pages with their art, working on location throughout our beautiful city of Prague.

11.03.2024 15:31

During each Sketchbook Tour, one urban sketcher will take us through their sketchbooks, offering us the unique opportunity to not only learn about their favorite mediums and techniques, but also understand the thoughts and design decisions behind their work.

23.01.2024 23:23

Year 2023 was full of great events! Have a look at the educational events our chapter organised.

26.05.2023 22:27

The Urban Sketchers Prague team is pleased to announce a series of educational events covering the exciting topic of drawing people from observation. The events will take place throughout 2023, starting with an introductory Talk in February, followed by three full-day workshops in the coming months.

19.03.2023 20:05

The Urban Sketchers Prague team is happy to invite you to a Talk & Demo by Paul Riley covering the topic of how to use a pencil in the manner of brush strokes to convey various effects and atmosphere.

03.11.2022 18:10

In this workshop, we will explore and take inspiration from the masterful drawings of numerous artists who have a French connection -- artists such as Picasso, Kupka, Mucha, Šíma, Toulouse-Lautrec, Gauguin, Van Gogh, and Daumier. We will not only analyze their art, but also look for ways to incorporate it directly into our own drawings. The workshop takes place December 2-3, 2022.

02.08.2022 09:23

Join us for nine sketch walks in nine days from September 17-25, 2022. Highlights include special gifts from Aquarius, a talk by Roman Szmal and Maria Ginzburg show.

26.04.2022 15:15

Urban Sketchers Prague is proud to announce Maria Ginzburg Watercolor Workshop. Maria's watercolour painting books have been published in Sweden, Finland and the Czech Republic. Join us and learn how to paint Prague with light, atmosphere and reflections in the water.

16.03.2022 13:28

Přidejte se k nám a oslavme stoleté výročí, kdy se Žižkov stal součástí Velké Prahy. Deset exkluzivních kreslících akcí na Žižkově mezi 18. březnem a 8. květnem 2022 a velká výstava v květnu. / Join us and celebrate the centenary of the Žižkov neighborhood becoming part of Prague. Ten exclusive sketch walks in Žižkov between March 18 and May 8, 2022 will culminate with a large exhibition in May.

14.02.2022 11:01

Join us to celebrate the end of covid pandemic. Ten sketchwalks in ten consecutive days from March 17-26 all over Prague.

13.01.2022 08:10

Prague Marathon, a sports art event that took place in the Czech capital, started on Sat, Oct 16, 2021 in the morning. We sketched for 24 hours straight, and changed locations every couple of hours. Representatives from seven countries took part in the marathon: 18 sketchers, two photographers, a social media expert, an assistant and two special guests, making it 24 participants in total.

01.04.2020 13:58

At the 2020 Prague Sketch Fest, dozens of urban sketchers from various countries joined forces to draw for 20 days straight in the Czech capital. The local USk Prague chapter organized the event from February 1 to 20, followed by a celebratory closing party.

27.12.2019 12:48

Do the cold, dark days of winter keep you from attending sketchwalks? We have got the perfect remedy: Even more sketchwalks!

21.11.2019 10:38

“Prague Sketched”, our group’s first book, is now on the shelves of major bookstores in Prague!

13.08.2019 15:15

Many of us are artists in our own way. Some of us are sitting on the fence wondering if we should start at all.

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