Urban Sketching: Concert of young musicians in Kampa park

Hosted by Lenka Kýrová

Friday, May 12 from 4:30 PM CEST

This time we are going to sketch during concerts of young musicians in Kampa park. These concerts are part of the Prague Spring Festival 2023 (https://festival.cz/en/koncerty/zahajeni-na-kampe-4/).

During this event there will be an opportunity for the participants of the People Drawing Workshop #1 to ask Rajesh about the exercises we did during the workshop. And those of you that would like to participate in the People Drawing Workshop #2 will learn 2 basic exercises that are recommended to be practised before the Workshop #2.


4:30 pm: Meeting at the end of Říční street and the beginning of Kampa park.

Map: https://en.mapy.cz/s/robekacoro

We will sketch in the park.

7:00 pm: Meeting at the same spot, showing our sketches and sharing our experiences.

For New Members

Our events are open to everyone who enjoys drawing and urban sketching. There are no fees, just bring your own sketchbook and media you like. There is no formal tuition given but you can certainly get inspired by others. All levels are welcome!

If you have urban sketching questions or suggestions, please bring them up with the group admin Lenka Kýrová.

Event image sketched by Anaviga Art.

Facebook event at https://www.facebook.com/events/1995274240864524/

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