Sketchbook Tour #7: Ken Nash

Hosted by Urban Sketchers Prague

2024-01-20 14:00 from 2024-01-20 14:00 2024-01-20 14:00

In this event of the Sketchbook Tour Series, Ken will take us on a journey through her sketchbooks and creative process.

Date: Saturday, January 20th, 2024

Time: 2 pm (duration 2-3 hours)

Location: Prague (registered participants will receive an email with the exact location)

Capacity: 15 persons

Fee: Free

Registration at:

About Ken

Ken began using sketchbooks as part of his work process. He sketched places and people to use as reference for his work as a newspaper cartoonist. These sketchbooks contained simple, crude drawings – more like short-hand notes — to help him remember scenes and ideas. Eventually, though, he started putting as much effort into his sketchbooks as his cartoons. Ken began meeting other artists during his travels and discovered a large and inspiring social network of urban sketchers.

Ken has lectured on writing and sketchbooking to various student groups. In his Urban Sketchers Sketchbook Tour he will focus on the element of Time within drawing and illustration and discuss how we record, experience and understand Time through sketching and sketchbooks.

About Sketchbook Tours

Sketchbook Tours is a series of events designed to stimulate learning from each other. The project is part of our mission to bring educational content to our members.

During each Sketchbook Tour, one urban sketcher will take us through their sketchbooks, offering us the unique opportunity to not only learn about their favorite mediums and techniques, but also understand the thoughts and design decisions behind their work.

We will hear the story of their artistic development, discover how they learn and what inspires them. And we will get to interact with them directly through questions and discussions in a safe, fun, and encouraging environment.

You can find an overview of the whole Sketchbook Tour Series here.

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